The Mach One

The Mighty meter

The Mach One is a meter of pure speed!

This compact cocktail station accommodates all the functionalities a bartender needs. This is the ideal station for a business with a compact cocktail and mixed drink menu where space is limited.

The bartender works from the center of the cocktail station, within a radius of 1 meter, better known as ‘The Bartender’s Circle.’

The ice chest is located in the center of the ‘Bartender’s Circle’ and forms the heart of the Mach One. It can be organized by the bartender into different compartments for ice cubes, crushed ice, bottles, or mixers. Sideways ice scooping is also accommodated for both right- and left-handed users.

Along the entire length of the station, a speed rail is installed, providing direct and quick access to more than 12 bottles. Together with the versatility and large volume of the ice chest, this setup enables more cocktails to be made per hour.

The left side of the Mach One provides space for your essential tools. Here, you’ll also find the integrated quick-waste cutting board, which immediately collects cutting waste for composting or disposal. At the end of your shift, the trash can can go in the dishwasher for optimal hygiene.

On the right side, the shake waste is deposited, and you’ll find the iconic CNC (Crazy Nice Component) water jet. This ensures that your shaker is cleaned under high pressure and in a 360-degree spray. There’s no faster way to clean your shaker!

The Mach One can be used as both a tabletop and in an upper-bar configuration. It can also be integrated with any popular beer tray.

Additionally, a spiller rack can be attached for optimal ergonomics and efficiency

The shift is over, the race is done. Speed is key, and that applies even after the shift. All components can be cleaned in just two cycles in the dishwasher.

Always go fast, always go Collins!

Built-in Dimensions Options Mach One

Check out The Mach One